3 Ways to Protect Your Business from Identity Theft

June 24, 2020

While some Americans believe that identity theft mainly applies to individuals, the truth is that businesses are not immune. The same problems that identity thieves cause for individuals can harm a business’s finances and credit history. Additionally, if a business is attacked, it can threaten the livelihood of many employees and customers who rely on the company. To avoid the threat of identity theft for your business, follow these three steps recommended by your friends at Shred Monkey.

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Purging Tax Documents

August 31, 2019

Tax season may seem a long way off, but it’s actually just around the corner. And, many Americans are already starting to get their documents in order. While most may know what they’re supposed to do when it comes to the filing itself, they might not always be aware of the best way to protect their personal information. With the threat of identity theft and the possibility that the IRS may have questions about your tax documentation, it can be hard to know what to shred and what to store when it comes to important tax documents. That’s why our team at Shred Monkey of Indianapolis has put together some helpful tips, so you know whether to shred or not to shred.

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